Website URL::
Additional Extensions: (Components, Modules, Plug ins):
- VirtueMart
- ArtioJoomSEF
- Ideal Payment System
Custom Development:
The entire template was custom developed.
The VirtueMart part is highly customized for viewing purposes and also has a huge customization for the Dutch Ideal payment system
Other Features:
Design was done by a 3rd party designer called Lucky Dibz. We implemented the design in a Joomla e-commerce environment. Sales are fully automated and a calender/ choose delivery date/pick up date has been added by us.
Additional Information:
The website and product soesjes (sort of Dutch name for Sweet cakes) is entirely new to The Netherlands. Poeple know cake, but are not known with the 2 and 4 bite cakes that resemble and are a combination of muffins, donuts and sweet cake, but in a bite-sized package.
if you want to get hungry, be sure to visit the sweet cake site: