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Adding a picture and a banner to the home page
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TOPIC: Adding a picture and a banner to the home page

Adding a picture and a banner to the home page 15 years ago #256

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
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Hi Piet, I would like to add a banner on my home page just below joomla's existing banner using the same dimensions which I've created in fireworks. Will the banner appear on every page or can I choose what page it shows on. Would there be an easy way to know what the existing dimensions are so when I import my banner it will be the same size.

I would also like to put a picture to the right hand side of my logo so it appears on every page. I would like the picture to start from where it says the news or where the line separator is for the news and stretch right across to the right hand side of the webpage so it covers over A- and A+. Your advice will be most welcomed.

Kind Regards
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Adding a picture and a banner to the home page 15 years ago #257

  • joomtorial
Hi Piet, I would like to add a banner on my home page just below joomla's existing banner using the same dimensions which I've created in fireworks. Will the banner appear on every page or can I choose what page it shows on. Would there be an easy way to know what the existing dimensions are so when I import my banner it will be the same size.

Hi Paul, when creating the banner, you would want to put the banner in a module. Under Extensions > Module Manager, you are able to create a new module, preferably a "Custom HTML" module.

When you create a new module. You can set the module to show on a "per menu item" basis. That is done at the left bottom under "Menu Assigment" You can choose to show the module on "All" or show on Selected menu items. CTRL-Select for showing it on more than 1 menu.

I would also like to put a picture to the right hand side of my logo so it appears on every page. I would like the picture to start from where it says the news or where the line separator is for the news and stretch right across to the right hand side of the webpage so it covers over A- and A+. Your advice will be most welcomed.

Same as above, you can create a new module and show it there. Be sure to go to the RocketTheme demo site and choose the template you use on there. And then the page "module positions". That way you can see which module position you need to accomplish what you want.
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Adding a picture and a banner to the home page 15 years ago #258

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
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Hi Piet,

Thank you for the information. I've created a module by doing the method you mentioned but now I have the module created and told joomla where to put the picture. I'm unsure how to get the picture to appear. It seems like a two step process but I've done the first part but I'm stuck on the second. I'm assuming it would be similar to how I got my logo on to the website but after looking at extplorer - module - mod custom, this was the only place I could think where I should download my picture. I know once I agree to download and overwrite the existing file it will make a change to my website. If I'm incorrect and it makes the wrong change by not adding my picture to the top (according to the rockettheme module positioning http://www.redrouteparking.com/?tp=1)and does something else then I will not know how to undo the changes. I will be very grateful if you can advise me before I make the change.

The picture that will be on my website will be of a car park, the problem I might have are the dimensions. My logo is 400 x 100, if I were to use the same dimensions it would make the picture look squashed and unpleasant. What do you think would be the best thing to do? If I make it bigger to an acceptable size should I also increase the logo to the same size? Would this put the rest of the website out of alignment?
Kind Regards
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Adding a picture and a banner to the home page 15 years ago #259

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
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Hi Piet,

I've managed to get the picture onto my website but I cannot seem to get the picture to be any larger than it is. I've tried stretching the picture when it's in joomla and I can see it increase but when I press apply and refresh the page, the pictures does not increase. I've also made the image larger in fireworks and then re-uploaded it into joomla but there's still no change. Also how can I remove the A- A+ which is to the right of the car park picture. If could advise me on this I will be grateful?

Kind Regards
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Adding a picture and a banner to the home page 15 years ago #260

  • joomtorial
Hello Paul,

I have checked your website. The picture you have in the right hand upper corner is one in the so-called banner position. Pictures there will not show larger than 468x60 becuase the area is set to that size (the area in the template - not your picture)

You cannot resize it unless you hardcode changes in the CSS files. In this case the template.css of your template:

#top-menu { 
height: 60px;
width: 468px;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: hidden;
display: block;
text-align: right;

You could change the height and width settings.

As for the font-resizers, that should be a setting that you can turn on/off in your template settings. In your administrator pages under: Extensions > Template Manager > rt_versatility4_j15
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Adding a picture and a banner to the home page 15 years ago #261

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
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Hi Piet, thank you for responding to my query. Is there a way that I can make the picture go to the top of the screen so it covers over the A- A+
I've increaased the height to 120 but the picture hasn't gone to the top of the screen.

Also if I add a banner to the home page and choose the modular postion left which is where the existing joomla banner is, will my banner go directly below it or will it overwrite it. What I would like to do is have the banner go below the joomla banner.

Kind Regards
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Adding a picture and a banner to the home page 14 years, 11 months ago #262

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
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Hi Piet,

If I manage to resolve my picture issues, I'm hoping for my website to go live next week. If you have some time I would be very grateful if you could assist with my queries below with regards to adding a picture and banner to the home page.

Kind Regards
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Adding a picture and a banner to the home page 14 years, 11 months ago #263

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
  • Karma: 0
Hi Piet, I was just wondering if you are still able to advise me where in the template css file I can adjust the height of the car park picture so it goes to the top of the website and hides the A- A+ letters that are in the top right corner. At the moment the picture is to narrow and I need the height to be larger so you can see the picture better. I'll be very grateful for your assistance.

kind Regards
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