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Best method for adding a FORM to a page to gather info?
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TOPIC: Best method for adding a FORM to a page to gather info?

Best method for adding a FORM to a page to gather info? 15 years, 9 months ago #117

  • bradh
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 38
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I'm needing an application form on one of my pages.

What is the best method to create/implement this?


Rob McBryde
Web Developer
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Best method for adding a FORM to a page to gather info? 15 years, 9 months ago #118

  • joomtorial
Hi Rob,

I would use a form component for Joomla.

Joomla and forms are a bit weird. Never understood why forms and Joomla aren't a good pair, but fact remains, for a decent form to gather information, you will need a 3rd party component.

In this I can only advise what I like as the best and most versatile form component and that is the form component called ChronoForms.

You can download it here: http://www.chronoengine.com/downloads.html

For submit site and submit content forms on the JoomTorial site ChronoForms is used as well.

Been working with several form components for some year snow. ChronoForms for me is the most simple and most versatile.
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Best method for adding a FORM to a page to gather info? 15 years, 9 months ago #119

  • bradh
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 38
  • Karma: 0
Thanks, Piet!

I found JForms in the extension directory and it looks like what I need.

You are right about it being weird though. It took me a while to figure out that you couldn't embed the form into an article, but that it is it's own entity on the menu items.

To cheat, I had to add the copy as HTML into the top of the JForm that I created and then create a menu item linked to that form.

So confusing, but now I get it (a little).

Rob McBryde
Web Developer
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Best method for adding a FORM to a page to gather info? 15 years, 9 months ago #120

  • joomtorial
rob wrote:
You are right about it being weird though. It took me a while to figure out that you couldn't embed the form into an article, but that it is it's own entity on the menu items.

Hi Rob,

That is why I like ChronoForms so much. Basically it can use regular html from say DreamWeaver for the form. It also can put forms in articles with making use of the plugin which comes with ChronoForms (which I just checked JForms lacks).

usage would be something like:

Your regular article text blablablabla. Fill in the form below this text...
(the code you see now is what would make the Joomla form called "form1" to appear in your regular article).

There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management

I have been asked by a visitor of JoomTorial if I was planning on making a Joomla video tutorial for how to use ChronoForms. I wrote the user that this was not in the planning, but I am having second thoughts now. I think a ChronoForm Video Tutorial might not be a bad idea.
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