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TOPIC: Problems With Home Page

Problems With Home Page 15 years ago #249

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
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Hi Piet,
I have a problem with my home page where the grey bar at the bottom of the page which shows the copyright information is missing. Also the red bar on the right hand side should go further towards the bottom of the page but at the moment it's far from the bottom. The home page should also look the same as the services page - anpr cameras.

The reason why this happened, before I had jc editor installed in joomla I copied and pasted some text from Microsoft word into joomla. When I saved the page and refreshed the website I could see the html code so I went back into joomla and deleted the html code. This was when the home page went out of sync. I will be grateful for any advice you could provide.

Kind Regards
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Problems With Home Page 15 years ago #250

  • joomtorial
Hi Paul,

The essence of the problem is still the fact you are pasting directly from Word. JCE Editor or not, the hidden code is causing Internet Explorer to create dysfunctional webpages.

The essence is of the problem is, pasting from Word.

See below, 3 screenshots of browser.

1. Internet Explorer which is the bad behaving one.
[attachment=0:376uaxji]<!-- ia0 -->internet_explorer.PNG<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:376uaxji]

2. Mozilla FireFox showing proper homepage
[attachment=2:376uaxji]<!-- ia2 -->firefox.PNG<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:376uaxji]

3. Apple Safari browser also showing proper pages.
[attachment=1:376uaxji]<!-- ia1 -->safari.PNG<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:376uaxji]
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Problems With Home Page 15 years ago #251

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
  • Karma: 0
Hi Piet,

If I delete the home page could I create a new page and would this solve my problem. Would creating a new page be the same as how I created the pages for the articles. If not what about if I were to some how copy the html code from another page and replaced it with the home page?

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Problems With Home Page 15 years ago #252

  • joomtorial
Hi Paul,

It will not be about creating a new page yes or no. It is the content you pasted from Microsoft Word.

It was pasted from Microsoft Word. JCE Editor or no JCE Editor. That is what is causing the error. So the essence of solving the problem is deleting the existing content and putting new (not pasted from Word) content there. Wether you do that through a new article or not, that doesn't matter. Just get rid of the stuff you pasted with Word.

In my 5 years of working with Joomla I have learned 1 thing. Microsoft Word and Joomla do not go well together
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Problems With Home Page 15 years ago #253

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
  • Karma: 0
Hi Piet,

I've deleted the home page and created a new one with the text content and it's now got the copyright information at the bottom with the red bar extending on the right. The problem I have now is that the red bar has over run slightly and is touching the grey bar at the bottom. There should ony be a small tiny gap between the red bar and the grey bar of about 1-2mm. A perfect example of how this should look can be seen on the services - anpr cameras page. The same thing has happened on some of the other pages. I was thinking of adjusting the code .module-hilite7, .moduletable-hilite7 {
height: 95%; (changing 95% to a higher or lower number)

in the template manager style 9 css but if the services - anpr camera page is fine then I thought if I were to change the number then the red bar would alter and perhaps not be aligned perfectly.

Kind Regards
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Problems With Home Page 15 years ago #254

  • joomtorial
Hello Paul,

The 95% is a number chosen that would fit a general content page. Looking at the home page, this seems like very little content. You may even try to separate it into a fgew paragraphs. Then the red bar on the red might not run over.

Compared to the ANPR page, you will see that the red bar is a perfect fit. I would not change the 95%. I would leave that and adjust the text in the homepage so that it fits better.
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Problems With Home Page 15 years ago #255

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
  • Karma: 0
Hi Piet, I have taken your advice and you are right. Adding more content on the home page did make the red bar extend into thr correct place and it was a perfect alignment. However I'm short of a paragraph in making the red bar align perfectly so I'm hoping that when I put a picture on the left under the red box where you see the animated text it will push the red bar down more. Thank you for your advice.

Kind Regards
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